Thursday 1 September 2011

Why I'm single.

I think of myself as some self centred person. Whenever I am interested in someone I go hard. Then once they find any attraction to me. I just could careless. As if I were already bored to what they have to say to me. I haven't had sex in 3 weeks. I want it bad. I love sex but I want it from someone who is awkward, different, and not interested. It's not normal but its what excites me.  I'm going to be straight with you. I am psycho and possessive. If I don't get the attention I want. I wont be happy. If I do I will be annoyed. I don't understand my thinking. 
 Lets just say this, I am emotionally damaged. Girls mind react differently then guys, of course. We say we want something then expect the opposite. Each angle we do something guys will think differently towards it. Lately I've been watching a lot of shows and viewing a lot of different relationships. Every time I see it 
I'm starting to understand the guys side. We are confusing mammals that will never fully be satisfied by any thing. There is always going to be the one thing that will either make us unhappy or angry or start a huge rampage and bitch. I mean its bad enough we get our periods once a month but I mean really do we have to always be such bitches. We can't expect men to understand us at all times. They never will and 90% of the time they say something that they think is nice and we always end up taking it the wrong way. Girls the reason why we take it the wrong way is because we are just to fucking insecure about our selfs we over think and analyze everything. So there for we bitch at the men which make them think, 'hey this girl is nuts' and they run away. 
 All the men and women we see happy with each other are only happy because they aren't insecure about who they are with or about themselves. So what I am trying to get at here is that we try so hard to fix everything and bitch at everything to make the perfect relationship or have the perfect relationship. When really all you need to do is just stop and let it be. 

And thats my probably right there. I think to much about myself that I wont be able to put any effort into a relationship because I am still trying to work on myself and be okay with who I am. Rather then trying to find someone and try to make it into some great relationship when it was just never going to be in the first place by me trying so hard to find it. I am single because I am being self centred (at the moment) to work on myself to be happy. Then again... maybe I should just stop and let it be. 
None of this probably made any sense to you but this is how my mind works. I'm kinda fucked up that way. 

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