Friday 17 June 2011

how it all started (part eleven)

After Sasha and I's rampage in whistler. We ended up drinking at her apartment almost every night. We would invite boys over and listen to loud music. I am surprised her neighbours never came banging on her door asking for us to shut the fuck up.
 After that my life started to turn out normal. If thats what you call not drinking all the time dropping out of school and getting a job. Yes I dropped out of school. I could never do it you know. Its not like I didn't like the teachers or the people in high school. Everyone is just so annoying and immature. I eventually start hating everyone. I don't find one person I even like. The girls I would hang out with would talk about the most stupidest things and acted like such fucking fags. It's so hard to explain. But common now I cant be the only one thinking this. I found everyone at my school losers. They weren't cool they didn't know what the world was like they would complain about who they hooked up with or what fucking shirt they wore to a party or about how some girl gave her a dirty stare. I'm 100% better then all of them and going to school with them just makes me look like one of them. I had to leave. I want to fucking get my own  place and a job and support myself. I want to start living! I want to travel the world and explore. Do the most craziest things anyone has ever done. I don't want a boring normal life like them.
 Although my life sort of became a bit normal. I got myself a job and dropped out of school. I stopped drinking as much and never did drugs. I would spend money lots of money on clothes and shoes and makeup. I was a M.A.C makeup whore. If you saw my bathroom its covered head to toe with shit load of makeup. I have to much shit to be honest to much make up to many shoes and to many clothes. I need to throw it away but honestly some shit is way to expensive for me to throw away and eventually I will wear what ever I throw away because last time I threw out of bunch of clothes I ended up actually wanting to wear them and regretting throwing it out. I don't want to seem like a hoarder or anything. I know I'm not but I kinda sound like one now. I always throw shit out don't get me wrong. But i have come to a point right now in my life were i like all my clothes but i just had so many!
 I am actually starting to move out of my house and into an apartment with Sasha. Yes the part 1 -11 is finally over I have told you most my life story. Its not that interesting but I think its pretty interesting to write a blog about. The place Sasha and I are getting is actually big and there is lots of closet space!!! FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH
me need! I'm scared we are going to end up having a dirty place, that we are both going to end up being to lazy to clean anything. AHH im so excited. Oh right I forgot to tell you about my 18th birthday. I ended up going bar hoping and some how woke up at a casino. I wish I had more to tell you but I sort of blacked out.
 Next week we are going to paint our apartment! Our landlord thinks we are hot and is pretty much letting us do what ever we want to the place. I am so excited. lkadsjflaksdjfklasdjfkldsajfkladsjflksajdlkfjsadlkfjaslkdfja
Thats me spazing on my keyboard.


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